Dây nguồn JPS Labs - THE DIGITAL AC-X ™ (2M)

Bảo hành: 12 tháng

Tình trạng: Còn hàng

Tư vấn hi-fi: 0913238182 - Mrs. Lan * Tư vấn hi-end: 0912616688 - Mr. Huy

Thông tin tóm tắt:

THE DIGITAL AC -X is an excellent cable for any digital based component, creating a smoother, more "analog environment" for audio and video. Uniquely engineered specifically for the elimination of digital based noise, it very effectively eliminates what we call ' digititis ', the harshness and background noise present and very difficult to remove in all digital sources. Most all of todays devices that plug into a wall outlet act as noise sources creating an invisible shower of high frequency energy causing today's sophisticated electronics to error and perform well below their capabilities. Even the finest audio and video component's generate noise, limiting themselves of fine detail and resolution.<\p>

Giá bán: 9.390.000đ / chiếc

1. Ưu điểm:

  • Thiết kế đơn giản, tinh tế
  • Độ bền cao, chất lượng tốt.

2. Đặc điểm của Dây nguồn JPS Labs - THE DIGITAL AC-X ™ (2M):

THE DIGITAL AC -X is an excellent cable for any digital based component, creating a smoother, more "analog environment" for audio and video. Uniquely engineered specifically for the elimination of digital based noise, it very effectively eliminates what we call digititis, the harshness and background noise present and very difficult to remove in all digital sources. Most all devices that plug into a wall outlet act as noise sources creating an invisible shower of high frequency energy causing sophisticated electronics to error and perform well below their capabilities. Even the finest audio and video component's generate noise, limiting themselves of fine detail and resolution.

Using advanced engineering, THE DIGITAL AC-X effectively ISOLATES and ABSORBS any noise within the cord itself for over a 100 fold decrease, allowing any quality digital component to provide amazingly real inner detail and resolution while offering smoother sound and video. THE DIGITAL AC-X is a proven universal winner for nearly 20 years. It's forward thinking design offers universal improvement on any quality digital based lower power equipment including CD, Blu-Ray, SACD, or DVD player, DAC, transport, or computer server (receivers must have the larger Power AC, Kaptovator, or Aluminata AC cables). It also allows for a more lifelike picture when used with a projector, DVD player, flat screen TV's, or any other digital based quality video component which will accept a detachable IEC style AC cord.

THE DIGITAL AC-X will also keep other components clean on the same circuit, and when used on a computer or music server will contain all of that processor noise within the cord.

Any digital audio component will respond with greater resolution and a more 'human' output to your ears or eyes. THE DIGITAL AC-X is the most significant improvement that can be made to the origin of your signal.

3.HuyLanAnh Audio cam kết:

- Chúng tôi luôn hướng đến sự hài lòng của khách hàng một cách tốt nhất.

- Giao hàng và bảo hành nhanh chóng trong vòng 24h.

- Dịch vụ hậu mãi, nhân viên chu đáo.

- Linh kiện, phụ kiện thay thế cam kết chính hãng, lắp đặt đúng quy trình của nhà sản xuất.


Thông số kỹ thuật cơ bản của Dây nguồn JPS Labs - THE DIGITAL AC-X ™ (2M)

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