Wharfedale Achromatic WA-T4

Bảo hành: 0

Tình trạng: Còn hàng

Tư vấn hi-fi: 0913238182 - Mrs. Lan * Tư vấn hi-end: 0912616688 - Mr. Huy

Thông tin tóm tắt:
- Hãng sản xuất: WHARFEDALE - Loại: • Subwoofer - Công suất âm thanh (W): 150W - Tần số thấp nhất (Hz): 120Hz - Tần số cao nhất (kHz): 20kHz - Trở kháng(Ω): 8Ω - Mức độ âm thanh(db): 88dB - Chiều rộng(mm): 945 - Chiều cao(mm): 115 - Chiều dài(mm): 76 - Trọng lượng(kg): 6kg

Giá bán: 8.190.000đ / đôi

Wharfedale Achromatic WA-T4

This Wharfedale speaker is designed for delivering brilliant theater sound at home. It's both responsive and effective. The Wharfedale WA-T4 is the perfect option when you want to bring your music to your living room. If you'd like to have clean sound, high signal-to-noise, and wide frequency response, this loudspeaker has what it takes. Drama lovers, families, and soap opera addicts can take pleasure in the tonality and sound quality of this Wharfedale speaker.
Wharfedale Achromatic WA-T4 chính hãng
This Wharfedale speaker features a superior driver system, therefore you can bring your television viewing alive with high-quality sound. You can distinguish shimmering treble frequencies and resonant lows as this loudspeaker has an excellent frequency response. What's more, the Wharfedale WA-T4 is simple to place and connect, featuring a practical design, which means you are able to reap the benefits of a fantastic high fidelity experience immediately.


Crossover Frequency 3.5kHz
Dimensions with Spikes 995mm
Woofer 4 x 3" (80mm) B/M
Midrange N/A
Tweeter 1" (25mm)
Frequency Range 120Hz - 20kHz
Nominal Impedence 8 ohm
Sensitivity 1W@1M 88dB
Recommended Amplifier 10 - 150W
Finishes/Colour Hi-Gloss Black with Soft leatherette
Dimensions (H x W x D) 945 x 115 x 76mm
Weight 6.0kg

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