Wharfedale WPL-26

Bảo hành: 0

Tình trạng: Còn hàng

Tư vấn hi-fi: 0913238182 - Mrs. Lan * Tư vấn hi-end: 0912616688 - Mr. Huy

Thông tin tóm tắt:
The WPL26 is ideal for applications ranging from demonstration of powered speakers in a shop, in the comparative listening in the studio. It allows you to connect up to 6 pairs of powered speakers to the output of your mixer, CD player or MP3 player and select the one you go to listen. More The included remote allows you to switch from one pair to another without having to go to the machine giving you optimal listening conditions.

Giá bán: 8.390.000đ / chiếc

Wharfedale WPL-26

Wharfedale's WPL-26 is designed to make speaker comparisons simple and effective. 

The Wharfedale WPL-26 signal switch is the result of many years of experience in the use, designand manufacture of professional audio products. We take great pride in engineering and buildingevery Wharfedale product and wish to thank you for entrusting us with your sound.

Wharfedale WPL-26 nhập khẩu chính hãng, giá tốt nhất, tại Hà Nội

The WPL26 is ideal for applications ranging from demonstration of powered speakers in a shop, in the comparative listening in the studio. It allows you to connect up to 6 pairs of powered speakers to the output of your mixer, CD player or MP3 player and select the one you go to listen. More The included remote allows you to switch from one pair to another without having to go to the machine giving you optimal listening conditions.

It uses two stereo inputs with balanced TRS connectors, with added control provided by a Mute and Left Only buttons, the latter for routing a mono signal to the outputs. There are 6 stereo outputs available, also using the balanced TRS connectors.

High-speed solid state signal switching is used, and controlled from either the front panel-mounted source and destination buttons, or via the Infrared remote control which is included with the item.

The WPL-26 Signal switch is designed to make your speaker demonstration or monitor comparisoneasy and effective. It is designed to provide quiet and fast switching from source signal to the linelevel outputs.

The WPL-26 is a high quality line level router designed to quickly and reliably direct a choice ofsource material to a specified line level location. Designed for use in a variety of environments fromshowroom to studio the WPL-26 is extremely simple to setup and use.

A choice of two stereo inputs can be routed to any of the 6 stereo outputs. A front panel switch canbe used to route a mono signal (Left channel only) to any of the stereo outputs, in addition there isa front panel MUTE switch.

HuyLanAnh Audio cam kết:

- Chúng tôi luôn hướng đến sự hài lòng của khách hàng một cách tốt nhất.

- Giao hàng và bảo hành nhanh chóng trong vòng 24h.

- Dịch vụ hậu mãi, nhân viên chu đáo.

- Linh kiện, phụ kiện thay thế cam kết chính hãng, lắp đặt đúng quy trình của nhà sản xuất.


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